ABCL - Alpha Bank Cyprus Ltd.
ABCL stands for Alpha Bank Cyprus Ltd.
Here you will find, what does ABCL stand for in Institution under Banking category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Alpha Bank Cyprus Ltd.? Alpha Bank Cyprus Ltd. can be abbreviated as ABCL What does ABCL stand for? ABCL stands for Alpha Bank Cyprus Ltd.. What does Alpha Bank Cyprus Ltd. mean?Alpha Bank Cyprus Ltd. is an expansion of ABCL
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Alternative definitions of ABCL
- Acute Basal Cell Lethality
- Alliance Bancorp, Inc.
- Actor Based Concurrent Language
- Amitabh Bachan Corporation Limited
- Associated Building Company Limited
- Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Limited
- American Birth Control League
- Actor Based Concurrent Language
View 49 other definitions of ABCL on the main acronym page
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- ASD All Star Dental
- ATNY A Taste of New York
- ABCL Action Bee Cleaning Limited
- ATM Appliance Technologies Mexico
- APIEP API Ema Partners
- ASI Andersen Sterilizers Inc
- ACS The Avenue Cookery School
- AMCA American Mosquito Control Assn
- AFS Appalachian Field Service
- AG The Acts Group
- ARE Atlanta Restaurant Exchange
- AOC Arts Orange County
- ATI A Taste of Italy
- AOCU Alliance One Credit Union